Tuesday, 2 November 2010

The Event 1x06 'Loyalty'

It's Simon's turn to take the front seat this week...

What's it about?
Martinez and Sterling suspect a traitor when someone within their organization undermines their deal with Thomas. Sean meets up with Madeline, a conspiracy theorist, who is also investigating Leila's disappearance. And Simon must choose when his loyalties to the detainees conflict with his responsibilities as a member of Sterling's team.

Little bit behind on my reviewing but it's been all go in the world of 'The Event' with the UK premiere having taken place a couple of weeks ago. This show is the talk of the town and UK viewers have only seen the first three episodes.

This week in the US the character of Simon is taking the role of lead and showing us some of his back story. His character has remained on the periphery for the first few episodes but we all know he's got a bigger part to play in this story as he is the inside man for the Inostrankans in the US Government.
His flashback scenes show that of all the so-called aliens we've met so far he is perhaps the one who has integrated to life with humans the most (more on the term 'aliens' later). The flashback story and eventual run-in with his lover whilst in her old age is an emotional break from the action and rounds out his character beautifully. His scenes bring an emotional weight to the episode which shows a deeper side to both the show and the Inostrankan people and easily rivals the emotional reunion between Sean and Leila.

On the topic of those Inostrankan prisoners... just who are they? The theories and rumours are all over the internet about who or what they are and I'm finally going to choose my side: time-travellers! In my opinion there have been subtle hints throughout the series that these people either have a well informed knowledge of the human race or they're from the future and know the way things are headed, in particular is the knowledge of the titular event.
They obviously have powers of some kind beyond that of current day humans but being an evolved form of our own race would rationalise the only subtle differences they have from us. 
The closing moments of this weeks episode (I hope) are just a small example of what the Inostrankans are capable of and provide us with perhaps the most gripping ending since the disappearing plane.

This is a very cat-and-mouse style episode with Sophia being set free and chased by the government in their hunt for Thomas whilst Simon is torn between his people and his career. But the writers can be forgiven for the formulaic setup because of the punch this episode packed. Clearly these people mean business and I'm dying to know what their purpose is.

Having recently been able to see these episodes on TV in full HD has provided some other interesting titbits of information, for instance up until this week I had never noticed the small piece of shining metal seen at the Inostrankan crash site. What kind of craft is it? And why did it crash?
An interesting question was also thrown up whilst conversing with other fans on twitter: why were the Inostrankans dressed for the time period in which they crashed? 
My guess is they're running from something or maybe even to something: were they hoping to arrive in the present day to avert the upcoming event and save humanity for a fate of which only they know?

I've mentioned on a couple of occasions that the cinematography and production on this show is impressive but seeing the full HD version only goes to reinforce my observations. The special effects in this episode are impressive for a TV show and integrate themselves well into the environment in which the show exists.
The costume design and set dressing are incredibly involved and each environment has a lot to offer the viewer, I find myself trying to take in the backgrounds as much as I do the action in order to make sure I don't miss any potential clue as to the meaning of the episode/season.
I would like to see the production team receive the recognition they deserve once the awards season kicks back in as this is not only an exciting story but a well put together show for the constraints placed on weekly TV.

Now that we're six weeks in to this show the bigger questions are starting to evolve out of the story: why was Leila's dad coerced into attempting to assassinate President Martinez? Who hired Vicky and her team? What are the true motives of the Inostrankans? etc... the list could go on.
The show is continuing to answer our short term questions as it progresses but now the audience are starting to piece together theories and the ever evolving mythos of the show is drawing us in more and more.
Now that the back nine episodes have been ordered I hope that the audience will stabilise and the show will get the chance it deserves to play out its mysteries as they were planned. Even if there's no season two there's every chance to make what time there is left to be unmissable and extraordinary.

Of all the new shows I have begun watching this season 'The Event' is definitely the one to get my 'one-to-watch' award as it is mixing all the elements needed for a great new show. Now all it needs is the chance to evolve further in to the show we are all hoping it will become.

Next week...
No new episode next week, but we're back in two weeks with:
While Sophia and Thomas prepare for the next step on their mission, Sterling begins to see conspirators everywhere, including among his own people. Meanwhile, Sean and Madeline seek answers behind Leila's abduction and Michael's coercion.


Story    4.0

Character    4.0

Weirdness    4.0

Overall    4.0

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